Tuesday, December 30, 2014

heart care in winter months

incidence of heart attack increases during winter months.
cold weather causes the blood vessels to constrict in response to cold there by aggravating the incidence of heart attack in the society.

care should be taken during cold weather to protect ones heart

1.layered clothing should be worn rather than single coat over body. the layers hold the heat in between and keep the person warm 

2.avoid unaccustomed strenuous activity during winter months.

unaccustomed activity coupled with cold weather increases the demand on heart causing it to work more.

3.take frequent breaks in activity.increase the number of breaks to sip in fluid or stretch out .winter months we feel less thirsty and over a period of time we could cause dehydration.

4 .avoid alcohol.alcohol gives a false hope of  warmth

5. winter days are shorter ,there by reducing the amount of sunlight we get in a day . additional vit d supplements and food need to be taken to increase the dietary intake of vit d