Friday, April 6, 2012

exercises:sympathetic and parasympathetic systems

exercises which form an integral part of modern life.lack of it is evident in our society now a days .the other extreme also creeps up to show its face of wrong exercise or no ,what is important.definately exercise should always be there but that exercise itself is the cause of stress than that could be deterimental to heart. so which are the exercises which can be bad.the strenous exercises put some individuals to stress their limits to the extreme and we find some sports men falling off on ground while playing.does this mean that the sports men are not well build.or is it that exercise or more exercise has a role to play in causing his coronary to go into shut down .we need to find solutions to this events and make a consensus regarding the corellation of stress to causing heart attack. man has sympathetic and para sympathetic nervous system. under control is the sympathetic drive while the para sympathetic are not under our control.while we can definitely indulge in activities that bring about parasympathetic drive. the fear and flight reaction releases the sympathetic tone to set into motion and causies the individual to get up and fly ,consequently getting away from danger zone.any activity that causes this sympathetic drive to persist for long in a person can be deterimental to his is like catching a glass of milk and standing.catching the glass for 5 minutes would not cause any thing butlonger the man keeps holding the glass ,his arm becomes numb and finally it will start to pain. similarly with stress ,one need to let go of the constant stress and become silent or non moving. the parasympathetic drive are slow repetitive motions of the body which are perceived as dready and boring.the slow walking and other activities that enhance parasympathetic becomes beneficial to the heart and mind.long walks on the country side are the source of bore dom for many but the solace it gives to mind and body simultaneously is very good . the answer to our question earlier on if we know which patients or sportsmen will have a heart attack and which do not is still under investigation and there is no test at present available to help differentiate that.studies only tell about strenous physical activity and sedentary life style. anew paradigm of thought will be required to look into the matter i suppose.