Friday, January 17, 2014

warfarin heart surgery are put on warfarin .

Patients who are on warfarin need to be aware of the effects of warfarin . 
Patients undergoing valve replacement with a mechanical valve will need tobe put on warfarin lifelong . 

Foods containing vitamin k can affect how warfarin works . 
They include green leafy vegetables 
Brocoli spinach and lettuce 
Egg yolks 
Mature cheese 
Olive oil 
Eating in moderation is recommended .
Cranberry and grapefruit avoided . 

Dosage .depends on body weight to be taken in evening . Start with 10 mg and then reduce gradually . Daily inr is a must . Different indication have varied dosage . 
Effect of warfarin to manifest takes 48 hours . So patients are put on heparin to bridge the gap . 

Regular blood test of inr is needed to titrate dosage of warfarin . High inr suggests the time taken to clot as compared to normal. 

Every day inr level is required till the target is reached . Then inr will be needed every 12 weekly .
Warfarin interacts with other medications too . 
Medicines such as amiodarone and quinidine for heart . 
Non steroidal anti inflammatory like ibuprofen ,aspirin 
Cholesterol lowering agents benzafibrate, clofibrate 
Antibiotics such as erythromycin , cotrimoxazole , norfloxacin 

It is safe to take paracetamol. 

Warfarin is not reccomended during pregnancy . If required then it has to be taken under supervision if doctor says baby is healthy then it is ok to take warfarin . Cause of concern if baby bleeds or bruise easily . Baby is not feeding well  then go to doctor . 

Friday, January 10, 2014

health in your hands

it seems that medical science is getting more and more complicated with onset of syndrome and it possible to put patients health in his own hand?

a lot can be done if the patients are educated about their disease process .

awareness on health aspect takes a last straw in our lifestyle and we do not care about it till it stops us in our daily routine.
cessation of smoking is the first goal .
starting muscle stretching in form of half an hour exercise will benefit in long run .
change of diet pattern accepting more vegeterian diet ,
stopping or avoiding the processed foods 
taking up a hobby in form of swimming or cycling activity 
taking mindful breathe in and out has shown to be of much help . 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

EARLY DETECTION: nip in budd

early detection in heart matters is the corner stone of any disease.most of the diseases are missed because of the lack of this one quality-early detection.

the chunk of the problem world wide is waiting to be called upon the services of a good physician to do early detection there by reducing the work load in future.
if the prompt action are taken at the right time and moment , a lot of issues can be saved from making appearnaces later on and cause worry to the patient.
God does send the warningh signals to us in the form of mild symptoms .He gives lot of opportunities to the patient as well as the attending physician to detect the demonous rise of heart disease.
it can be compared to the rise of cancer and other diseases,when detected early can stop a lot of saving for the patient. similarly same applies to heart disease.
repeated chest pain, episodes of syncopal attack ,vertigo can hide the underlying disease process. even a simple thing like repeated acidity not relieved with anto acid drugs can be disastrous for the patient.when the patient finally approaches his physician it can be very late and lot of precious time is lost .
easrly detection of rheumatic heart disease symptom is one such issue. also degerative valve disease will take time as long as few decades to years to manifest s themselves.

yearly check up by physician and regular lab investigations can become the cornor stone for early diagnosis of heart disease.

the aortic stenosis is another such disease.the window given by god is pretty long enough approximately 2 years before the disease becomes severe enough.the idea is to do a thorough check up of the patient and operate him earlier to prevent the progression of the disease.patient can also die in later stages if the decision to operate is post poned.
high index of suspicion and a watchful eye on look out for underlying disease is a must.

The only effective treatment for severe aortic stenosis is to replace the diseased aortic valve.2  
- See more at:

Friday, January 3, 2014

constipation and heart

quite a few patient will complain of persistent constipation before as well as after heart surgery. heart surgery ,any for that matter is a stressful situation and resultant stress causes constipation as well as acidity.

the whole some approach to heart disease is a welcome move then.not only the body needs to under go physical repair in form of surgery but also mental,economical, spiritual ,emotional health needs to be considered and like wise treated.

few days after the surgery it is not uncommon to subject the patient to stool softeners and few cases even enema.the situation can worsen in a few patient requiring surgery for fissure in ano ,etc.

if any portion of the wheel is  uneven the cycle of health will not be running in good condition.every effort need s to be taken to balance out this wheel of life and its various aspects.

certain remedies can be prescribed for constipation.

drink  plenty of oral fluids
drink a glass full of warm water early morning as soon as one wakes up
timely and balanced diet .
fruits and vegetables to be increased share in every day diet .
some form of stretching activity such as yoga can help
stress is a major causative factor in constipation , meditation can help in calming nerves .