Thursday, October 31, 2019

left atrial clot

few patients present with left atrial clot. the size of same can vary from miniscule to large as a tennis ball . it can be fixed to left atrial appendage or mobile .usual patients with left atrial clot can present as stroke resulting in Cerebro vascular episode.on evaluation by doing a echo cardiography usually the clot is noticed . the ecg rythm of such candidates can be in fibrillation.
the eddy currant in flow of blood in the left atrial chamber will result in a clot formation .
operation is recommended for removal of such clot , at a same time correcting additional deformities  in mitral valve.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Post cardiac surgery life

Life presents suprises at every turn and a significant turn was having a cardiac arrest . Many patients return to their previous life style and face the same challenges head on that they faced before having a heart attack . Almighty has given a second chance to them to make a difference .

Experiencing happiness is the ultimate goal . Can witness of such a feeling . Exercise causes causes happinness to flow. So studies have revealed atleast a half an hour of exercises doing releases dopamine the feel good factor .

Indulging in an activity to do something for which you are not paid causes a surge in happiness within you .the joy of giving has been documented to achieve happiness . All have tuned happiness by giving. Giving doesnot include only money , but giving a compement , a smile

Mindful ness has been associated with happiness .

Keeping gratitude diary helps . All people who have helped you and indirectly helpful. We should be thankful for a new life and purpose . Find your goal .

Leave a lasting impression on those people who donot have access to facilities you enjoy .
subtle changes to Diet what we put in our body and what we take out forms a very circle of our existance. 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

tumours in heart

as the tumours are forming in other parts of body similarly they occur in heart . the incidence is less . the most common tumors of heart is MYXOMA .
It can be presented in a patient as a polyp , at times it is large as the complete left artial cavity . at times it moves in and out of the left ventricle . easily detected on echocardiography.
choice of treatment is urgent surgery and removal of the mass from its base stalk . usually the base is at fossa ovalis , artificial ASD is created and further closed using a pericardial patch . 

Thursday, October 3, 2019

as the tumours are forming in other parts of body similarly they occur in heart . the incidence is less . the most common tumors of heart is MYXOMA .
It can be presented in a patient as a polyp , at times it is large as the complete left artial cavity . at times it moves in and out of the left ventricle . easily detected on echocardiography.
choice of treatment is urgent surgery and removal of the mass from its base stalk . usually the base is at fossa ovalis , artificial ASD is created and further closed using a pericardial patc


formation of pannus in the post operative period after mitral valve replacement or aortic valve replacement is suggestive of a ongoing disease process and the new pannus formed interacts with the normal valve function . explantation of artificial valve or just removing the pannus is the treatment of choice .
patient can present with gradually increasing shortness of breath after few months of implantation of artificial valve .

artificial intelligence in cardiac surgery

plenty of patient database is available in the hospital . can we analyse the data and predict the onset of heart disease ?
the pathway followed by patient is more or less the same , we can curtail the onset of disease and identify the patient before hand . the implications of such a pathway could be utilized by the insurance sector and lot of money can be saved . the predictors of morbidity can be found before hand and disease onset can be annihilated .a new dawn in cardiac surgery .