most patients have lot of querries after the operation.commonest of them being having sleeplessness and constipation.
cardiac surgery is a major thing so it takes some time for the various stress response to settle down .and for the patient to accept that he has had an operation.relatives play a major role in bring back the patient to normal level and help him adjust to the society as a whole.slowly but surely the sleeplessness disappears some times earlier in some and later in others.
constipation is a major compliant of the patient before as well as after the surgery.bowels motions is sluggish and patient who are not completely mobilised will have this complaint more often.having a high fibre diet and light meals can extreme cases patient might need an enema.
tingling numbness of incision sit and little pain while working routinely at home can also be present. patient should take precautions of not lifting heavy weight and walking with swinging hands in air.for initial few weeks patients are adviused to sleep on their back only . after few weeks they can be advised to roll over to their side if they feel comfortable enough or take a pillow tyo rest their back on.
cardiac surgery is a major thing so it takes some time for the various stress response to settle down .and for the patient to accept that he has had an operation.relatives play a major role in bring back the patient to normal level and help him adjust to the society as a whole.slowly but surely the sleeplessness disappears some times earlier in some and later in others.
constipation is a major compliant of the patient before as well as after the surgery.bowels motions is sluggish and patient who are not completely mobilised will have this complaint more often.having a high fibre diet and light meals can extreme cases patient might need an enema.
tingling numbness of incision sit and little pain while working routinely at home can also be present. patient should take precautions of not lifting heavy weight and walking with swinging hands in air.for initial few weeks patients are adviused to sleep on their back only . after few weeks they can be advised to roll over to their side if they feel comfortable enough or take a pillow tyo rest their back on.
night mares at the onset of disease process can be onset of disease process or it has already stepped in .sleepless ness without any other cause can be a detrimental for the onset of hypertension.