post cardiac surgery rehabilitation is a poorly addressed phenomenon in India .
patients will have dry cough. coughing will make the patient chest pain.also few patients will notice rise in temperature. this has to brought to the notice of doctor.
initial few days post surgery are very important for the patient. some patients will notice wet dressing.
because of change in lifestyle, the body is not able to maintain the liking for food stuff and will complain of nausea every now and then. patients will be prescribed anti emetic tablets.
some patients will have serous discharge from the wound also .click of sternum needs to be taken seriously . i recommend walking with hands folded behind. gradual increasing activity at around home initially then society and when he is confident leaving city limits is encouraged.
cessation of smoking is paramount importance.control of blood pressure needs to be reined in. so also diabetes , sugar control.
getting onto new life patients are anxious of having another heart attack . reassurance and medical evaluation will help.
resuming sexual activity and physical tolerance excercises need to be addressed.
keeping the mind occupied in some activity is very important. driving 4 wheeler is fine after recommended one month from surgery . but two wheeler driving is to be judiciously handled.
meditation and pranayam will help in soothing the nerves. every effort is made to include the patient in the circle of society. loneliness itself is shown to be precursor of heart disease too. so want to get happy , spend atleast an hour in the circle of friends.
diet is often overlooked and balanced diet is missing in most cases . add to it the patient might have his own calorie deficient diet and cause loss of muscle mass which is important for generalised well being . nuitritionist can help them re balance their diet .
weight loss can be accompanied with severe loss of muscles which is important for generalised well being . young patients tent to exercise more and in view of low protein diet can land up in problem. so quantified nuitrition and strength training exercises are important .
regular visits to physician and evaluation of physical well being is equally important .